
All rules that are here are only for TheArtofWar.EU servers/services!


§1 Respectful behavior

1.- The server team does not have to justify itself to the users in any case, but respectful behavior is very important to us.

2.- All discriminatory racist, right-wing extremist, sexist and pornographic statements (as well as names, links, avatars, comments, pictures, videos and massages) are prohibited in any way and will not be tolerated in any case.

3.- Harassment of any kind is prohibited. This includes, for example, spam, starting a conversation without a good reason, harassing and offensive: Messages in private conversations, in the shoutbox and comments.

4 - Unnecessary sending of friend requests is prohibited.

§2 Behavior towards team members

5 - Asking for rights like 'Supporter', 'VIP' or 'Admin' is prohibited.

6.- Do not ignore team members.

§3 Behavior in the gallery

16 - Make sure that the content of your uploaded pictures and videos is appropriate (see §1, 2.-).

17.- Pay attention to your choice of words when writing a comment (see §1, 2.-).

18.- The exploitation of the report function is also strictly prohibited.

§4 Forum behavior

7.- Use the forums only for the topic created for it.

8.- When writing a thread, the relevant rules from the pinned thread are to be followed.

9.- The topic of your post should not contain discriminatory racist, right-wing extremist, sexist and pornographic statements.

10.- You can push your posts every 7 days.

11.- When writing a comment or a post, pay attention to your choice of words (see §1, 2.-).

12.- Use the smilies in the appropriate amount.

13.- The attachment of inappropriate images as well as videos and text files is prohibited.

14.- The exploitation of the report function is strictly forbidden.

15.- The feedback area as well as the support and bug report should not be exploited under any circumstances.

§5 Conversations

19 - Starting a conversation without a legitimate reason is prohibited.

20.- The topic of the conversation can not contain discriminatory racist, right-wing extremist, sexist and pornographic statements.

21.- In case of unacceptable behavior, a team member has the right to read the conversation and, if necessary, to read messages or report about them to other team members.


§1 Respectful behavior

1.- The server team doesn’t have to justify itself to the users in any case, but a respectful treatment is very important for us.

2.- All discriminatory, racist, right-wing extremist, sexist and ponograhic statements (as well as names, channels, links, avatars and massages) are prohibited in any way and won’t be tolerated.

3.- Annoyance is prohibited. For example, backround noises, echoes, spam, voice distortion, soundboards, phone pranks or unnecessary shouting.

4.- It is strictly forbidden to record or take pictures of other users without their permission. This constitues a criminal offense and can be prosecuted.

§2 Behavior towards team members

5.- Inquiring about rights, e.g „Supporter“, „VIP“ or „Admin“ are prohibited.

6.- Team members may not be muted/ignored.

7.- Team members neither be banned from private channel nor being excluded.

8.- Exploiting the support is strictly forbidden.

§3 Channel & Teamspeak

9.- Your TS nickname should be your own ingame- or real-life name and must be readable.

10.- The use of nametags in front of your name (e.g. [Moderator], [Supproter] or [Admin] is strictly prohibited.

11.- Attacks against the server, as well as the use of multiple identities, proxy servers, virtual private networks (VPN) and ip changers are strictly forbidden in any form.

12.- Advertising in form of links or ip addresses are forbidden, without a request (e.g. Youtube channel/video or a Teamspeak server). This also applies to any other adversiting!

13.- Faking other people or companies is strictly prohibited for legal reasons.

14.- The exploitation of TS-Bugs is strictly forbidden.

15.- Only one private channel per person may be created.

16.- The name of the channel, the description and images aren’t allowed to include any racist, discriminatory, sexual, right-wing extremist or ponoraphic statements.

17.- If a player has created their own channel rules, they must be followed.

18.- The automated creation of channels by scripts or bots are forbidden.

19.- Entering a private channel (without permission) is prohibited (Except team members).

20.- Musicbots must be registerd in the supporter.

§4 Leveling

21.- The deliberate leveling during absence is strictls forbidden in all channel! Please use the desiganed AFK/STATUS channel!


§1 Respectful behavior

1.- The server team doesn’t have to justify itself to the users in any case, but a respectful treatment is very important for us.

2.- All discriminatory, racist, right-wing extremist, sexist and ponograhic statements (as well as names, channels, links, avatars and massages) are prohibited in any way and won’t be tolerated.

3.- Annoyance is prohibited. For example, backround noises, echoes, spam, voice distortion, soundboards, phone pranks or unnecessary shouting.

4.- It is strictly forbidden to record or take pictures of other users without their permission. This constitues a criminal offense and can be prosecuted.

§2 Behavior towards team members

5.- Inquiring about rights, e.g „Supporter“, „VIP“ or „Admin“ are prohibited.

6.- Team members may not be muted/ignored..

7.- Exploiting the support is strictly forbidden.

§3 Talks & Discord

8.- Your Discord nickname should be your own ingame- or real-life name and must be readable.

9.- The use of nametags in front of your name (e.g. [Moderator], [Supproter] or [Admin] is strictly prohibited. 10.- Attacks against the server, as well as the use of multiple identities, proxy servers, virtual private networks (VPN) and ip changers are strictly forbidden in any form.

10.- Advertising in form of links or ip addresses are forbidden without a request (e.g. Youtube channel/video or a Teamspeak server). This also applies to any other adversiting!

11.- Faking other people or companies is strictly prohibited for legal reasons.

12.- The exploitation of Discord-Bugs is strictly forbidden.

We reserve the right to change our rules at any time and under special circumstances, the moderation team may issue bans or mutes at their own discretion.